Wednesday, May 31, 2006


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

ILR Press (an Imprint of Cornell University Press)

Migration and the Global Health Care Economy
by Mireille Kingma

South African nurses care for patients in London, hospitals recruit Filipino nurses to Los Angeles, and Chinese nurses practice their profession in Ireland. In every industrialized country of the world, patients today increasingly find that the nurses who care for them come from a vast array of countries. In the first book on international nurse migration, Mireille Kingma investigates one of today’s most important health care trends.

The personal stories of migrant nurses that fill this book contrast the nightmarish existences of some with the successes of others. Health systems in industrialized countries now depend on nurses from the developing world to address their nursing shortages. This situation raises a host of thorny questions. What causes nurses to decide to migrate? Is this migration voluntary or in some way coerced? When developing countries are faced with nurse vacancy rates of more than 40 percent, is recruitment by industrialized countries fair play in a competitive market or a new form of colonialization? What happens to these workers­and the patients left behind­when they migrate? What safeguards will protect nurses and the patients they find in their new workplaces?

Highlighting the complexity of the international rules and regulations now being constructed to facilitate the lucrative trade in human services, Kingma presents a new way to think about the migration of skilled health-sector labor as well as the strategies needed to make migration work for individuals, patients, and the health systems on which they depend.


“Nurses on the Move is an informative, comprehensive discussion of international nurse migration providing a synthesis of numerous reports and publications, poignant interviews with nurse migrants, and analysis of nurse migration in the larger context of the global workforce. Everything related to international nurse migration can be found in this highly readable volume of interest to nurses, policy makers, and the public.”­Linda H. Aiken, Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research, University of Pennsylvania

“This book analyzes a major policy issue­the migration of nurses around the globe. It considers the way migration has become big business and also highlights the personal experiences of nurses themselves. In so doing, Nurses on the Move gives us a better understanding of this important trend that has an impact on the contemporary health care workforce.”­James Buchan, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh

“Nurses on the Move reveals the new shape of globalization. Skilled, overwhelmingly female nurses are moving in the hundreds of thousands around the globe. Mireille Kingma’s exciting book puts a human face on the new worldwide labor market for nurses. Beyond uncovering the complicated economic and social forces that push nurses into migration from poor countries, Kingma explores how labor might transform the ‘brain drain’ in nursing into a ‘brain gain’ that benefits nurses, patients, and society as a whole. Anyone interested in health care, global labor, or in organizing health care workers needs to read this book.”­Elaine Bernard, Harvard Law School

“Mireille Kingma’s comprehensive review and analysis of nurse migration will be useful for everyone from students to health care professionals and managers to policy makers interested in globalization and the impact of migration on the well-being of individuals and communities. Managing the migration flow of nurses is essential to the success of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals.”­Danielle Grondin, MD, FRCPC, International Organization for Migration

About the Author

Mireille Kingma is a consultant on nursing and health policy for the International Council of Nurses, which is based in Geneva, Switzerland.

More books from ILR Press can be found at -

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[IWS] Watson Wyatt: Few Multinationals Implement Health & Productivity Strategy Outside United States [30 May 2006]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

Watson Wyatt

Few Multinationals Have Implemented a Health and Productivity Strategy Outside United States [30 May 2006]
Companies Plan to Add Programs to Combat Rising Health Care Costs, Watson Wyatt Survey Finds

WASHINGTON, May 30, 2006 ­ Multinational companies have developed a health and productivity strategy in the United States, but they have not been as proactive in other regions of the world, according to a new survey by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, a global human capital consulting firm.  However, as health care costs rise around the globe, multinationals are increasingly adding these programs worldwide.

The survey of 90 multinational companies found that 65 percent currently have a strategy to improve the health and productivity of their workers in the United States but significantly fewer have programs in Canada (22 percent), Asia-Pacific (21 percent), Europe (16 percent) and Latin America (15 percent).  Although many of these multinationals plan to develop a health and productivity strategy in these regions over the next two years, they will still lag behind their U.S. operations by a wide margin.

AND MORE...including TABLES....

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

[IWS] One in six Britons 'Under the Influence' at Work [30 May 2006]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

Royal & SunAlliance

News Release
Tuesday May 30 2006

One in six Britons ‘under the influence’ at work
[full-text, 4 pages]

·        20 ­ 25 per cent of workplace accidents attributed to alcohol.1
·        Two million Britons have taken a day off sick in the last six months due to a hangover.2
·        1.4 million people plan to hit the pubs in working hours during the World Cup.
·        20 per cent of employers plan to keep their staff out of the pub during the World Cup by showing games in the workplace.3

One in six employees in Britain has been under the influence of alcohol at work in the last six months, a study into ‘Alcohol in the workplace’ by leading commercial insurer Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) has revealed.
With 20 ­ 25 per cent of accidents in the workplace caused by alcohol, these statistics will be of concern to many employers.
Nearly 60,000 employers also attribute the effects of alcohol the next day, on up to ten per cent of absenteeism, and 54,000 blame up to ten per cent of workplace under-performance on alcohol.

The R&SA study was commissioned to examine the effects of the 24-hour drinking legislation on alcohol in the workplace after six months of the new licensing laws. The research showed that two million working Britons took one or more days off sick due to alcohol-induced illness over the last six months. Whilst both employers and employees did not think the problem has got worse since the introduction of 24-hour drinking in November, there is an ongoing cultural problem in Britain of people drinking alcohol during the working day.


(Thanks to Timothy Schmidle, New York State Workers' Compensation Board, for the tip).

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education, and Health and Safety

European Works Councils database [30 May 2006]


The European Works Councils database 2006 contains information on

   * 2204 multinationals falling within the scope of the EWC directives and on
   * 1155 European Works Council agreements.

The records are searchable by multiple criteria: company name, country or region of the headquarters, countries or region of operation, sectors of activity, merger activity...

The full text database offers more than 1470 documents, whereof

   * the English text of more than 960 EWC agreements,
   * national transposition laws of the EWC Directive,
   * documents regarding the revision of the EWC Directive,
   * judgments of the European Court of Justice,
   * documents regarding the European Social Dialogue framework,
   * more than 200 European sector and cross-sector agreements,

   * ILO and OECD texts,
   * articles on EWCs from the European Trade Union Yearbook

and new in this version:

   * around 70 substantive and global agreements concluded by EWCs or within the contexts of EWCs

Order information is found at:

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau


ELDIS -- Gateway to Development Information
Eldis is one of a family of knowledge services at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK

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This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

European Working Conditions Observatory (EWCO)
News Update

Decent work - Safe work [29 May 2006]

Some 2.2 million people worldwide die of work-related accidents and diseases each year, according to data from the International Labour Organisation. The figures indicate a slightly rising trend. Estimates for the EU15 suggest that 120,000 deaths occur each year due to work-related diseases, and 4.4 million accidents lead to three or more days'absence from work.

Includes TABLES....
This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

Discussion paper DP/162/2006
Decent Work Research Programme

Social pacts as coalitions of ‘weak’ and ‘moderate’: Ireland, Italy and South Korea in comparative perspective
Lucio Baccaro and Sang-Hoon Lim
[full-text, 40 pages]

Based on an analysis of the Irish, Italian and South Korean cases, this paper argues that
a social pact is a coalition of “weak and moderate,” namely the result of a strategic alliance
between an electoral weak government faced with a political economic crisis and the most
moderate sections of the labour movement. We relax the assumption, upheld by most literature,
of unions as unitary actors and argue that such strategic commitment only emerges as the result
of an internal political battle inside the unions, when the moderates prevail over the radicals and
shape the strategic stance of the labour movement as a whole. As illustrated by the Italian and
Irish cases, decision-making rules bringing the preferences of the rank-and-file (and even nonunion
workers) to bear on the process of collective decision help the moderate faction to prevail.
In contrast, when the process of collective choice is limited to middle-level leaders, the radicals
are more likely to gain the upper hand, as suggested by the Korean case. The paper also argues
that the employers’ strategic commitment is not strictly necessary for a social pact to emerge, but
becomes key for its reproduction and stabilization over time. Indeed, the difference in resilience
and duration between the Irish and Italian social pacts can be explained by the divergent longterm
strategic choices of organized employers. We check the robustness of this explanatory
framework by examining briefly a number of counterfactual cases.

1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1
2. Why and how do social pacts emerge?............................................................................... 3
a) Economic crisis ........................................................................................................... 4
b) Weak government........................................................................................................5
c) The struggle between radicals and moderates in the union movement. ...................... 7
i) Korea ...…………………………………………….…..………………………....7
ii) Italy.….………………………………………………………………………….. 8
iii) Ireland….……………………………………………………………….…...…. 10
d) The role of employers…………………………………………………………….… .11
3. Explaining social pacts: an analytical framework……………………………………... 13
4. Concluding remarks…………………………………………………………………….16

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       

Friday, May 26, 2006

[IWS] ILO, Bangkok: CHILD TRAFFICKING PUBLICATIONS (available in 2006 to date)

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

International Labour Organization (ILO), Bangkok

Child Trafficking Publications (available in 2006 to date)

Combating child trafficking in Asia: information package
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006

 < >
 < >
 < >
 < >
 < >
Sri Lanka
 < >
 < >

  A demand side of human trafficking in Asia: empirical findings
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006
vi, 120 p.
ISBN 92-2-118448-X & 978-92-2-118448-5 (Print version)
ISBN 92-2-118449-8 & 978-92-2-118449-2 (Web version)
< >

  Anti-child trafficking legislation in Asia: a six-country review
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006
vi, 128 p.
ISBN 92-2-118448-X & 978-92-2-118448-5 (Print version)
ISBN 92-2-118449-8 & 978-92-2-118449-2 (Web version)
< >

  Child-friendly standards & guidelines for the recovery and integration of trafficked children
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006
68 p.
ISBN 92-2-118456-0 & 978-92-2-118456-0 (Print version)
ISBN 92-2-118457-9 & 978-92-2-118457-7 (Web version)
< >

   Rehabilitation of the victims of child trafficking: a multidisciplinary approach
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006
v, 48 p.
ISBN 92-2-118450-1 & 978-92-2-118450-8 (Print version)
ISBN 92-2-118451-X & 978-92-2-118451-5 (Web version)
< >

   Good practices in Asia: prevention and rehabilitation
by ILO Regional Project on Combating Child Trafficking for Labour and Sexual Exploitation (TICSA-II)
Bangkok: ILO, 2006
vi, 92 p.
ISBN 92-2-118464-1 & 978-92-2-118464-5 (Print version)
ISBN 92-2-118465-X & 978-92-2-118465-2 (Web version)
< >

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       

[IWS] ILO: COMPRESSED WORKING WEEKS (2006) Conditions of Work & Employment Series No. 12

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Compressed working weeks (2006), Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 12,
by P. Tucker
[full-text, 64 pages]

This study provides a comprehensive review of the current state of knowledge regarding the effects of compressed working weeks on a broad range of outcomes, including: productivity and job performance; absenteeism and turnover; sleep and recovery periods; safety in the workplace; occupational health; and workers’ job satisfaction, attitudes, and preferences. The paper also considers a variety of factors that can affect these outcomes, including potential differences between industrialized and developing countries. It concludes that, while there are clearly increased risks to health and safety associated with compressed workweeks, even with the use of longer (e.g. 12-hour) shifts these potential risks can often be reduced considerably if these shifts are properly structured and include adequate rest periods. Towards that objective, the paper also provides a set of practical recommendations regarding how to implement compressed workweeks to counter fatigue and improve performance.

The sweeping diversification in working time arrangements ­ such as the increasing use of compressed workweeks ­ poses a number of challenges to decent work as it applies to working time. Nevertheless, the rise of arrangements such as compressed workweeks also offer new opportunities for simultaneously meeting the needs of both workers and employers. It is hoped that this study will assist them, with the support of governments, to seize these opportunities and create “win-win” solutions.


Preface.................................................................................................................................... v
Executive summary.......................................................................................................................... vii
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Definitions.................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Prevalence of CWWs.................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Rest and recovery......................................................................................................... 2
1.4 CWWs and fatigue........................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Chronic health effects and organizational effects......................................................... 3
1.6 Sleep and circadian rhythms......................................................................................... 4
1.7 Methodological issues................................................................................................... 5
1.8 Outline of the review.................................................................................................... 7
2. Research findings.................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Sleep and recovery........................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 Questionnaire surveys........................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Sleep diary studies.............................................................................................. 10
2.1.3 The effects of shift start and finish times........................................................... 11
2.1.4 Quick returns...................................................................................................... 11
2.1.5 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Productivity and job performance................................................................................. 12
2.2.1 Industrial studies................................................................................................. 12
2.2.2 Studies of health-care workers and police officers............................................. 12
2.2.3 Factors other than fatigue................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 14
2.3 Fatigue......................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 CWW schedules that involve longer shifts......................................................... 14
2.3.2 Fatigue, rest breaks and recovery....................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Conclusions on fatigue....................................................................................... 19
2.4 Safety........................................................................................................................... 20
2.4.1 Methodological issues........................................................................................ 20
2.4.2 Extended shifts................................................................................................... 20
2.4.3 Quick returns...................................................................................................... 22
2.4.4 Conclusions on safety......................................................................................... 22
2.5 Health........................................................................................................................... 23
2.5.1 Early research..................................................................................................... 23
2.5.2 Recent evidence.................................................................................................. 23
2.5.3 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 25
This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       

[IWS] CANADA: SASKATCHEWAN'S AGING WORKFORCE: What are the Skills Challenges? What are the Opportunities?

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

Workplace Partners Panel,32,Documents

The Workplace Partner’s Panel is a national organization created specifically to bring business and labour leaders together to look at different labour market challenges facing Canada. The Workplace Partners Panel is an independent initiative governed and managed by the Canadian Labour and Business Centre.

Saskatchewan's Aging Workforce: What are the Skills Challenges? What are the Opportunities?

For the French version see --,Documents&l=French

The face of Saskatchewan is changing… and its hair is greying.

The Workplace Partners Panel (WPP) Saskatchewan Task Force would like to invite you to share your best thinking on Saskatchewan's aging workforce and the resulting skills-related challenges and opportunities for the region. You can do this by participating in the WPP's Online Dialogue.

The Saskatchewan WPP Online Dialogue can be accessed at:

What do YOU think?

Should retirement start at 70?

How do we keep our youth from leaving the province?

How do we more successfully engage First Nations and Métis in the province's workforce?

These are some of the key questions we would like you to answer. There are three ways for you to participate:

1. Complete our Skills Quiz! Test your knowledge on the skills challenges facing Saskatchewan.
2. Be the Decision Maker! Tell us how business and labour leaders should prioritize the key issues related to skills challenges in Saskatchewan.
3. Share Your Ideas! Contribute to our best thinking by sharing your solutions on what could be done to address skills shortages in Saskatchewan.

You can participate using one or all three of these methods, at your convenience. If you are unable to participate online, you can call 613.234.0505 to obtain a paper version of the materials.

The Workplace Partners Panel (WPP) is a national initiative created specifically to bring business and labour leaders together look at different labour market challenges facing Canada. The WPP Saskatchewan Task Force is comprised of senior labour and business leaders from the province.
This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

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[IWS] ILO: Situation of WORKERS in OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES (Annual Report) [26 May 2006]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

International Labour Office Geneva (ILO)
International Labour Conference, 95th Session, 2006

Report of the Director-General
The situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories [26 May 2006]
[full-text, 51 pages]

Preface............................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1
1. The political context: Evolving positions following the 2006 elections........................ 3
2. Closures and their impact on Palestinian livelihoods ................................................ 6
3. An economy under occupation................................................................................... 19
4. Social dialogue and its part in good governance....................................................... 30
5. Summary and conclusions ......................................................................................... 33
References......................................................................................................................... 39
Annex ................................................................................................................................. 43

See Press Release 26 May 2006
New ILO report on the situation of workers in occupied Arab territories

Friday 26 May 2006 (ILO/06/22)

GENEVA (ILO News) - The annual report of the International Labour Office (ILO) on the situation of workers in the occupied Arab territories says poverty and unemployment continues to worsen despite a moderate economic upturn last year (Note 1).

While the economy rebounded moderately in 2005 following a very sharp dip, four out of every ten Palestinians in the territories were living under the official poverty line of less than US$2.10 a day, while the absolute number of the poor rose from 600,000 in 1999 to 1.6 million in 2005, the new report says.

Open unemployment reached 23.5 per cent in 2005. However, counting persons who were employed prior to the crisis in 2000, but are neither in employment nor actively seeking work, ILO estimates the jobless to have reached 40.7 per cent of the Palestinian labour force.

Unemployment is not the only concern, however, as the very low rates of labour force participation and employment have become an inherent characteristic of the labour market in the occupied territories. According to the report, 50 per cent of men and only 11 per cent of women of working age are employed. Every employed person supports an additional 5 persons.

Public sector employment, which accounts for 23 per cent of total employment, is directly affected by the Palestinian Authority's current inability to discharge fully its wage bill as a result of the prevailing difficulties with its international financial flows. The unemployment rate of young persons aged 15-24 years is 1.6 times the average unemployment rate.

The report was prepared for the ILO's International Labour Conference which opens its annual session here on 31 May. The findings of the report are based on missions sent to the occupied Arab territories and Israel and to the Syrian Arab Republic earlier this year to assess the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories, including the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the Golan.

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

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Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

MEXICO, 1975-2004
[full-text, 24 pages]


Hourly compensation data for all manufacturing industries in Mexico (I) are as published
in the BLS report "Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in Manufacturing, 32
Countries or Areas, 22 Manufacturing Industries, 1992-2004"
(<>).  These data are based on the North American
Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Hourly compensation data for maquiladora manufacturing export industries in Mexico (II)
not included in the above BLS report.  These data are reported here using a
classification system unique to maquiladora establishments, and are therefore not
directly comparable to the data in Section I.

A "maquiladora" refers to a Mexican firm (often foreign-owned) operating under a special
customs program which allows the maquiladora to temporarily import into Mexico on a duty
free (in-bond) basis capital and intermediary goods needed for the assembly or
manufacture of goods or services for export.  Maquiladora data presented in the tables
reflect only maquiladora manufacturing.


This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
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Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       

Thursday, May 25, 2006

[IWS] ILO: Career Guidance: A resource handbook for low- and middle-income countries [2006]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

International Labour Organization (ILO)
Skills and Employability Department

Career Guidance: A resource handbook for low- and middle-income countries [2006]
by Ellen Hansen
[full-text, 120 pages]

The audience for this Handbook is twofold.

Part I is particularly targeted to those responsible for the national policy development and planning of career guidance activities in low- and middle-income countries ­ for staff in ministries of education, ministries of labour, public
employment services, education institutions at all levels and the consultants assisting them.

Part II will also attract a broader audience of those involved in the planning and delivery of career guidance services. The two parts of the Handbook are designed to complement each other, offering a comprehensive look at the present scope of career guidance worldwide.

Preface III
List of abbreviations VII
Purpose of this Handbook IX
Part I. A framework for career guidance in low- and middle-income countries 1
I. Career guidance in today’s world 1
A. What is career guidance? 1
B. What are the goals that career guidance promotes? 2
C. What approaches are recommended? 3
D. What is the relevance of career guidance in low- and middle-income countries? 4
E. What might be the elements of an approach
for low- and middle-income countries? 6
II. Understanding the country context 7
A. Cultural values 7
B. Labour market characteristics 12
C. Institutional infrastructure 15
III. Career information resources 17
A. National labour market structure and trends 18
B. Local labour market structure 25
C. Information for migrating workers 27
IV. Promotion of work choice, search and maintenance skills
development 31
A. Career education 31
B. Career counselling/employment counselling/job placement 33
C. Labour market adjustment/employment/ workforce development programmes 35
D. Skills development for self-employment 37
V. Organization of career guidance service delivery 39
A. In-person services 40
B. Self-service delivery of career guidance 48
C. Tiered services 50
VI. Training and staff development to support service delivery 52
A. Initial training of guidance practitioners 52
B. Continuing staff development 54
C. International professional development initiatives 57
VII. Governance and coordination framework 60
A. Strengthening career guidance at the national level 60
B. Service delivery level coordination 64
C. Basic steps for system improvements 67
VIII.Conclusion 68
Part II. Tool kit of career guidance resources on the internet for low- and
middle-income countries 71
Section 1. National career guidance resources 71
Section 2. General references 90
Bibliography 107

III.1 Jamaica: Labour Market Information System 18
III.2 Barbados: Labour Market Information System 20
III.3 South Africa: Life orientation in the national education curriculum 22
III.4 Sri Lanka: National Employment Sourcing and Delivery System (JobsNet) 23
III.5 Peru: The CAPLAB labour training programme 26
III.6 Philippines: Programme for migrant education and orientation 28
III.7 European employment services 29
III.8 People’s Republic of China: Life skills programme provides women workers with needed skills 30
IV.1 United States: Career guidance to facilitate the school-to-work transition 32
IV.2 Bulgaria: The Job Tiger 35
IV.3 International Labour Organization: Tools to promote the employability of persons with disabilities 36
IV.4 International Labour Organization: Resources for small-business development 38
V.1 Republic of Korea: Career guidance reforms in the educational system 41
V.2 Germany: Employment information centres 43
V.3 People’s Republic of China: The role of public employment services in the delivery of career guidance 44
V.4 Argentina: A community-university career guidance partnership 45
V.5 Singapore: CareerLink and the Associates Network 46
V.6 Philippines: A private firm provides career guidance services 48
V.7 Poland: Computer-based career guidance support system 49
V.8 United Kingdom: Learndirect advice for adults 51
VI.1 Denmark: Education and training courses for guidance counsellors 53
VI.2 Ireland: The National Centre for Guidance in Education 55
VI.3 Canada: Career circuit and the circuit coach training initiative 56
VI.4 European regional cooperation: Euroguidance network 57
VI.5 African regional cooperation: Training materials on guidance and counselling for girls’ and women’s education 58
VI.6 International cooperation: Counsellor resource centre 59
VI.7 International Centre for career development and public policy 59
VII.1 Finland: Definition of career guidance service delivery 61
VII.2 Finland and Luxembourg: The role of the social partners 64
VII.3 Turkey: Coordination between the National Employment Service and schools 65
VII.4 Chile: The ChileCalifica programme 65
VII.5 Poland: Network of career bureaus in higher education institutions 66

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau

Small Enterprise Development Programme
Job Creation and Enterprise Development Department
International Labour Office · Geneva

SEED Working Paper No. 75
Poverty reduction through small enterprises
Emerging consensus, unresolved issues and ILO activities
by Paul Vandenberg
[full-text, 68 pages]

Two years ago, the ILO’s Small Enterprise Development Programme (SEED)
initiated a process of internal discussion and review, assisted by outside experts, on the
important issue of poverty reduction. This paper is a product of that process. Both the
paper and the process complement the larger initiative taken by the ILO to make the fight
against poverty a central element of its agenda. Through the Director-General’s Report,
Working Out of Poverty, and the many initiatives guided by that report, the ILO has joined
with its partners in taking up the challenge posed by the most important of the Millennium
Development Goals, reducing by half the incidence of world poverty by 2015.

The paper explores the interesting connections between our work on developing the
small enterprise economy and the task of poverty reduction. Those of us working on small
enterprise development have long recognized the existence of these connections. This
paper ­ and the consultations necessary for its preparation ­ have helped us to probe the
connections more deeply. The paper also outlines the international initiatives of the past
half-decade which have raised the profile of poverty as the prime issue of economic
development and social justice. The increasing importance given to how private sector
development can support poverty reduction is also discussed.

In addition, the paper highlights the difficulties of assessing the impact of enterprise
development not just on the enterprises themselves, but on poor workers, entrepreneurs
and their families. It is an issue into which the ILO and the international community need
to channel more energy. In the fifth chapter, the paper outlines a strategy that SEED might
adopt ­ after further consultation and revision ­ to focus its programme on poverty.
This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
Fax: (607) 255-9641                       


IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations
-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor
---------------------- Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016
-------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau


Eurostatistics - Data for short-term economic analysis - No 4/2006 [23 May 2006],46587259&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&p_product_code=KS-BJ-06-004
[full-text, 231 pages]

Eurostatistics - Data for short-term economic analysis - shows the evolution of the economic activity in the European Union, Euro-zone and Member States. This monthly review gives a synthetic picture of the macroeconomic situation in the recent past. It contains monthly and quarterly macroeconomic data presented following an economic classification of the indicators such as: output, demand, incomes, prices, labour market, external transactions, monetary and financial markets.

SECTION 1 — Summary analysis
SECTION 2 — Main indicators for Euro-zone and European Union
SECTION 3 — Detailed Tables
Section 3.1 — Output
Section 3.2 — Demand
Section 3.3 — Income
Section 3.4 — Labour Market
Section 3.5 — Prices
Section 3.6 — External Transactions
Section 3.7 — Money & Finance

This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.

Stuart Basefsky                   
Director, IWS News Bureau                
Institute for Workplace Studies 
Cornell/ILR School                        
16 E. 34th Street, 4th Floor             
New York, NY 10016                        
Telephone: (607) 255-2703                
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