Friday, October 08, 2004

[IWS] ILO: FUTURE of MEDIA, CULTURE, GRAPHICAL SECTOR in Work & Quality [October 2004]

IWS Documented News Service
Institute for Workplace Studies                 Professor Samuel B. Bacharach
School of Industrial & Labor Relations          Director, Institute for Workplace Studies
Cornell University
16 East 34th Street, 4th floor                  Stuart Basefsky
New York, NY 10016                      Director, IWS News Bureau

Sectoral Activities Programme
The future of work and quality in the Information Society: The media, culture, graphical sector
Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society: The Media, Culture, Graphical Sector [18 to 22 October 2004]
Geneva, 2004
[full-text, 116 pages] - See CONTENTS BELOW

The guiding theme of the Tripartite Meeting in October 2004 namely, the “Future of
work and quality in the Information Society
”, encourages reflection on several questions,
such as:
  - how the Information Society affects employment numbers (job creation and
redundancies), new types of jobs, employment status, labour-management relations,
and the quality of working life in the sector;
 -  what impact ICTs have on the sector in terms of work itself, working conditions and
the concept of “quality”; and
  - the ways in which the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) addressed
the sector, and specifically issues relating to work and quality.
Preface............... iii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................... ix
Abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................................................. xi
Introduction ....... 1
Background to the report......................................................................................................... 1
1. The Information Society and the media, culture, graphical sector.......................................... 5
1.1. The Information Society and the World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS) process ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2. An ILO perspective on the concept of quality in the sector......................................... 8
Quality of work/employment/working life ................................................................... 9
Quality of working life in the Information Society ...................................................... 10
1.3. New products, quality standards and forms of work ................................................... 11
1.4. Global trends in ICTs in the sector ............................................................................... 13
1.5. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the world of work.......... 16
1.6. ILO background in the sector and the Decent Work Agenda ...................................... 17
2. The media, culture, graphical sector and the development of the Information Society.......... 21
2.1. Will the development of the Information Society enhance or impair employment
and quality in the sector? ............................................................................................. 21
Broadcasting, film and live performance...................................................................... 27
Journalism..................................................................................................................... 29
2.2. A wider perspective on the concept of quality in the sector in the Information
Society .......................................................................................................................... 31
Quality of the work and its product .............................................................................. 31
Quality of content ......................................................................................................... 33
Quality in film and other media.................................................................................... 35
Quality and professionalism ......................................................................................... 37
2.3. Information and communication technologies used in the sector................................. 38
2.4. Challenges of the Information Society for the graphical industries............................. 39
2.5. The role of governments in promoting the media, culture, graphical sector..... 41
3. Impact of ICTs on the sector................................................................................................... 43
3.1. Impact of new technologies on processes, content and quality .................................... 43
A. Broadcasting ....................................................................................................... 43
B. Film industry ...................................................................................................... 45
C. Live performance................................................................................................ 47
D. Performers in multimedia and other new media work........................................ 50
E. Media journalism................................................................................................ 52
F. Publishing and the graphical industries .............................................................. 56
3.2. Impact of ICTs on the employment of media, culture, graphical workers ................... 58
Film and audiovisual workers: Performers ................................................................... 61
Journalists and other media workers............................................................................. 63
Broadcasting, media and film industry workers ........................................................... 64
Publishing and graphical workers................................................................................. 64
3.3. Impact of ICTs on safety and health ............................................................................. 67
3.4. Impact of ICTs on training............................................................................................ 68
New skills requirements for media, culture, graphical workers................................... 69
Training initiatives by governments, industry and trade unions .................................. 70
4. Intellectual property rights and labour rights in the Information Society ............................... 72
4.1. Intellectual property rights and labour rights for performers....................................... 73
4.2. Intellectual property rights and labour rights for journalists........................................ 74
4.3. Intellectual property rights and labour rights for authors, directors, writers,
producers, photographers and others ............................................................................ 75
5. Impact of ICTs on contractual arrangements in the sector...................................................... 76
5.1. Performers..................................................................................................................... 76
5.2. Journalists (freelance and others).................................................................................. 77
5.3. Graphical workers......................................................................................................... 78
5.4. Other media, culture, graphical workers....................................................................... 79
6. The Information Society and gender equity............................................................................ 80
6.1. Differential impacts on women and men as employers and workers in the sector ...... 80
6.2. Measures to promote equal opportunities in the sector................................................ 87
7. International instruments relevant to the sector ..................................................................... 89
7.1. Relevant ILO standards................................................................................................. 89
7.2. The Rome Convention, 1961 ........................................................................................ 91
7.3. International protection of creators, producers, broadcasters and performers .............. 92
8. Social dialogue in the sector ................................................................................................... 94
8.1. Social dialogue and collective bargaining on issues arising from ICTs ...................... 95
8.2. Social dialogue on social protection ............................................................................. 97
8.3. Social dialogue to promote training.............................................................................. 98
8.4. Promoting social dialogue in the sector ........................................................................ 99
9. Suggested points for discussion .............................................................................................. 101
Cluster 1: Employment issues in the Information Society ...................................................... 101
Cluster 2: Quality issues in the Information Society............................................................... 101
Cluster 3: WSIS issues in the media, culture, graphical sector............................................... 101
Cluster 4: Social dialogue issues in the Information Society; employability and training
issues; suggestions for ILO action .......................................................................................... 101
I. Conclusions on information technologies in the media and entertainment industries ............ 103
II. Tables...... 105
1. Evolution of permanent employment in selected public radio/television
corporations 1992-2002 ................................................................................................ 105
2. Permanent employment in selected public radio/television corporations, 2002........... 106
List of tables
3.1. Employment by occupation in the media, culture, graphical sector, United States,
2002 and projected 2012 ......................................................................................................... 58
3.2. Trends in the artist labour force, United States, 1970-2000.................................................... 60
3.3 Employment by occupation, performers, United States, 2002 and projected 2012 ................ 62
3.4. Employment by occupation, media, United States, 2002 and projected 2012........................ 63
3.5. Employment by occupation, graphical sector, United States, 2002 and projected 2012 ........ 67
List of figures
2.1. Leading public companies in the sector by sales revenues, 2000-04...................................... 25
2.2. Employees in leading public companies in the sector, 2004................................................... 26
3.1. Trends in the artist labour force, United States, 1970-2000.................................................... 60
3.2. Total employment in publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media,
1990-2002 ............................................................................................................................... 66
3.3. Employees in publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media, 1990-2002............. 66
5.1. Total numbers of freelance and staff journalists in 29 European countries compared
with levels of union membership, 1999 .................................................................................. 77
5.2. Percentage of unionization of journalists in ten Central and South American
countries, among staff and freelancers, 1999.......................................................................... 78
6.1. Gender distribution among writers and creative or performing artists, selected countries ..... 82
6.2. United States ­ Gender segregation among writers, authors, journalists and related
occupations, 2000.................................................................................................................... 84
6.3. Costa Rica ­ Sex segregation, graphical industry, 2000 ......................................................... 85
6.4. Egypt ­ Sex segregation, graphical industry, 1996................................................................. 86
6.5. United States ­ Sex segregation, graphical industry, 2000 ..................................................... 86
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Stuart Basefsky                 *
Director, IWS News Bureau               *
Institute for Workplace Studies *
Cornell/ILR School                      *
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