Monday, March 12, 2012

[IWS] World Bank: LIGHT MANUFACTURING IN AFRICA VOL.1: Targeted Policies to Enhance Private Investment and Create Jobs [8 March 2012]

IWS Documented News Service


Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach

School of Industrial & Labor Relations-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies

Cornell University

16 East 34th Street, 4th floor---------------------- Stuart Basefsky

New York, NY 10016 -------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau



World Bank & Agence Française de Développement

Africa Development Forum


Volume I: Light Manufacturing in Africa: Targeted Policies to Enhance Private Investment and Create Jobs [8 March 2012],,contentMDK:22977293~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469372,00.html


[full-text, 184 pages]


See also-

Background Papers

Volume II: The Value Chain and Feasibility Analysis; Domestic Resource Cost Analysis,,contentMDK:22965626~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469372,00.html

Volume III: Background Papers,,contentMDK:22968285~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469372,00.html

Volume IV: Kaizen for Managerial Skills Improvement in Small and Medium Enterprises,,contentMDK:22968281~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:469372,00.html


The main report is split into three parts.

Part I: Setting the Stage
Part II: What Constrains Light Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Part III: Identifying the Potential and Easing the Constraints

Front Matter


Part I. Setting the Stage

Chapter 1. Good Possibilities for Light Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa 

Part II: What Constrains Light Manufacturing in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Chapter 2. Input Industries
Chapter 3. Industrial Land
Chapter 4. Finance 
Chapter 5. Trade Logistics
Chapter 6. Skills
Chapter 7. Implementation

Part III: Identifying the Potential and Easing the Constraints

Chapter 8. Ethiopia as Exemplar 


The Study's Objectives an Methods




This information is provided to subscribers, friends, faculty, students and alumni of the School of Industrial & Labor Relations (ILR). It is a service of the Institute for Workplace Studies (IWS) in New York City. Stuart Basefsky is responsible for the selection of the contents which is intended to keep researchers, companies, workers, and governments aware of the latest information related to ILR disciplines as it becomes available for the purposes of research, understanding and debate. The content does not reflect the opinions or positions of Cornell University, the School of Industrial & Labor Relations, or that of Mr. Basefsky and should not be construed as such. The service is unique in that it provides the original source documentation, via links, behind the news and research of the day. Use of the information provided is unrestricted. However, it is requested that users acknowledge that the information was found via the IWS Documented News Service.


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