Monday, May 07, 2012


IWS Documented News Service


Institute for Workplace Studies----------------- Professor Samuel B. Bacharach

School of Industrial & Labor Relations-------- Director, Institute for Workplace Studies

Cornell University

16 East 34th Street, 4th floor---------------------- Stuart Basefsky

New York, NY 10016 -------------------------------Director, IWS News Bureau




Congressional Research Service (CRS)


Cybersecurity: Selected Legal Issues

Edward C. Liu, Legislative Attorney

Gina Stevens, Legislative Attorney

Kathleen Ann Ruane, Legislative Attorney

Alissa M. Dolan, Legislative Attorney

Richard M. Thompson II, Legislative Attorney

April 20, 2012

[full-text, 48 pages]



The federal government’s role in protecting U.S. citizens and critical infrastructure from cyber

attacks has been the subject of recent congressional interest. Critical infrastructure commonly

refers to those entities that are so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a

debilitating impact on national security, economic security, or the public health and safety. This

report discusses selected legal issues that frequently arise in the context of recent legislation to

address vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure to cyber threats, efforts to protect government

networks from cyber threats, and proposals to facilitate and encourage sharing of cyber threat

information among private sector and government entities. This report also discusses the degree

to which federal law may preempt state law.


It has been argued that, in order to ensure the continuity of critical infrastructure and the larger

economy, a regulatory framework for selected critical infrastructure should be created to require a

minimum level of security from cyber threats. On the other hand, others have argued that such

regulatory schemes would not improve cybersecurity while increasing the costs to businesses,

expose businesses to additional liability if they fail to meet the imposed cybersecurity standards,

and increase the risk that proprietary or confidential business information may be inappropriately



In order to protect federal information networks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in

conjunction with the National Security Agency (NSA), uses a network intrusion system that

monitors all federal agency networks for potential attacks. Known as EINSTEIN, this system

raises significant privacy implications—a concern acknowledged by DHS, interest groups,

academia, and the general public. DHS has developed a set of procedures to address these

concerns such as minimization of information collection, training and accountability

requirements, and retention rules. Notwithstanding these steps, there are concerns that the

program may implicate privacy interests protected under the Fourth Amendment.


Although many have argued that there is a need for federal and state governments, and owners

and operators of the nation’s critical infrastructures, to share information on cyber vulnerabilities

and threats, obstacles to information sharing may exist in current laws protecting electronic

communications or in antitrust law. Private entities that share information may also be concerned

that sharing or receiving such information may lead to increased civil liability, or that shared

information may contain proprietary or confidential business information that may be used by

competitors or government regulators for unauthorized purposes.


Several bills in the 112th Congress would seek to improve the nation’s cybersecurity, and may

raise some or all of the legal issues mentioned above. For example, H.R. 3523 (Rogers (Mich.)-

Ruppersberger) addresses information sharing between the intelligence community and the

private sector. H.R. 3674 (Lungren) includes provisions regarding the protection of critical

infrastructure, as well as information sharing. H.R. 4257 (Issa-Cummings) would require all

federal agencies to continuously monitor their computer networks for malicious activity and

would impose additional cybersecurity requirements on all federal agencies. S. 2102 (Feinstein)

seeks to facilitate information sharing. S. 2105 (Lieberman) includes the information sharing

provisions of S. 2102, as well as provisions relating to the protection of critical infrastructure and

federal government networks. S. 2151 (McCain) and H.R. 4263 (Bono-Mack) also addresses

information sharing among the private sector and between the private sector and the government.

Many of these bills also include provisions specifically addressing the preemption of state laws.



Legal Issues Related to Protecting Critical Infrastructure ............................................................... 1

Deference to Agency Decisions................................................................................................. 2

Availability of Judicial Review........................................................................................... 3

Questions of Fact................................................................................................................. 4

Interpretations of Law......................................................................................................... 4

Liability Concerns ..................................................................................................................... 5

Freedom of Information ............................................................................................................ 6

Ex Parte Communications ......................................................................................................... 9

Legislation in the 112th Congress .............................................................................................. 9

H.R. 3674, PRECISE Act of 2011..................................................................................... 10

S. 2105, Cybersecurity Act of 2012 .................................................................................. 10

Legal Issues Related to the Protection of Federal Networks ......................................................... 14

EINSTEIN Overview .............................................................................................................. 14

EINSTEIN and the Fourth Amendment .................................................................................. 15

Monitoring Communications from Federal Employees .................................................... 18

Monitoring Communications from Private Persons to Federal Employees ...................... 20

Alternative to Traditional Warrant Requirement ............................................................... 21

Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight ..................................................................................... 22

Legislation in the 112th Congress ............................................................................................ 23

S. 2105, Cybersecurity Act of 2012 .................................................................................. 23

H.R. 3674, Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information Sharing

Effectiveness Act of 2012 (PRECISE Act) .................................................................... 24

H.R. 4257, Federal Information Security Amendments Act of 2012 ................................ 25

Legal Issues Related to Cybersecurity Threat Information Sharing .............................................. 26

Electronic Communications Privacy Act................................................................................. 27

Antitrust Law........................................................................................................................... 29

Liability for Information Sharing ............................................................................................ 31

Protection of Proprietary or Confidential Business Information............................................. 32

Privacy and Civil Liberties...................................................................................................... 32

Legislation in the 112th Congress ............................................................................................ 33

H.R. 3523, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011, As Reported............ 33

H.R. 3674, PRECISE Act.................................................................................................. 36

S. 2102, Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2012................................................. 37

S. 2105, Cybersecurity Act of 2012 .................................................................................. 39

S. 2151, SECURE IT Act .................................................................................................. 40

Preemption..................................................................................................................................... 42




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